Relationship process (its intensity or its priority) will importance given to each of the stakeholders. It is also evident that the relationship procedures with internal interested parties will not be the same as with external ones. In short, it is not just about obtaining accurate information and reacting accordingly, but also about understanding the logic of stakeholder needs and expectations . This is necessary to be able to predict them and try to positively influence the results and impacts related to them. In any case, at least they must e commerce photo editing be taken into account in the communication with the interested parties. Inesem business school course in logistics and operations management (university degree + 8 ects credits)
more information the procedures for obtaining information must be adapted to the characteristics of each of the interested parties and to the aspects of social responsibility that are most closely related to them. It is also necessary to take into account the different geographical and cultural realities in which the organization operates. It is about adapting the process of obtaining information to the environment and the interlocutor, to achieve the greatest effectiveness in the relationship. Let's take a closer look at this entire process. Identification of needs and expectations of stakeholders in this phase, the aim is to
identify the interested parties as well as their needs and expectations. This can be done through tools that allow knowing them, periodically and systematically. Among these tools, we highlight some such as inclusive dialogue processes (such as the comments that arise in meetings with clients and suppliers), satisfaction surveys of external clients, surveys of the work environment of employees or internal clients, their labor demands or those of their union representatives and supplier evaluation tools, among others. The complaints, claims and technical specifications of the