Similarly, you can taste some quick success with your program. How? Many ecommerce stores make the mistake of thinking that Fax Number List referral programs are only for new customers. They’re wrong. Referral marketing programs are for ALL your customers, including those that have previously bought from you. After Fax Number List all, why should you exclude them? This is EXACTLY what Visuals by Impulse Fax Number List did. Visuals By Impulse (VBI) is a retailer that sells Twitch overlays, animated alerts, stream packages, resources, and more.
Screenshot showing a landing page Fax Number List for a website And they’ve only just recently started their referral marketing Fax Number List program. Akin to a blog, starting a referral program from scratch means you’ll have to hustle. A LOT Fax Number List to start getting customers sharing with their friends. Starting from nothing Fax Number List would have sunk any hopes VBI had of a quick success. Luckily, VBI had tons of customers they could — and did — invite to their new program.
Using ReferralCandy’s “Bulk Fax Number List Upload” feature. VBI uploaded the email addresses of over 10,000 of their past customers and invited them to join their referral program. (If you’re using MailChimp, you can invite Fax Number List everyone on your MailChimp list automatically.) Check out what happened: Screenshot Fax Number List showing a graph of revenue generated from referrals. They started with no one in their referral program.