EVENTS at Red Gum Studio

Studio B and C with 5000 Sq Ft wall to wall carpet (Additional cost)

Over 600 guests in the studios and courtyard.

Room for 6 cars, comfortably spaced, in the main studios A &B with the dividinh wall folded open wall .

Studio C set for100 Guests or more,

LED Screens an announcement event using studios B and C. Control room was set up in studio A

Over 600 guests in the studios and courtyard.

Dance area in studio B for a wedding

Lighting crew organizes equipment before set up

Richard Radstone demos Beauty shoot techniques

Meeting setup with rear projection system

Wedding under the lightbank in studio C
The entire Red Gum Creative Campus or individual facilities, including the pool, are available for private events large and small.
We have hosted events as large as a New Years party for 600, small focus groups, Weddings, very large automotive and airline market studies, ride and drives, industry conferences, public relations presentations, product announcements, and a variety of other events
Some restrictions apply.
Call for details and pricing on events.
Darin 714-342-3259
Don 714-342-32599
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