We are always interested in interviewing outstanding people who have a good work ethic and common sense for employment full or part time.
Current need: Studio prep person. Must be well versed in production needs and proceedures as well as
maintainence and client relations.
Send your resume to: redgumstudios@Gmail.com Att Darin Dormeyer
Don Dormeyer, President
Visual Support Inc. DBA Red Gum Studios
2983 E. Miraloma
Anaheim, CA 92806
Employment opportunities
Internships (School or Full time resident)
Red Gum Ceative Campus offers the opportunity to learn from a wide variety of photographers, producers and directors who use Red Gum's rental studio facilities.
A part time school sponsored STUDENT INTERNSHIP, or, full time RESIDENT INTERNSHIP (Room and board provided) at Red Gum provides total immersion in some of the exciting and much of the mundane parts of a wide vartiey of visual productions. From Fashion to Automotive to Underwater. Interns get the opportunity to work with professionals on all levels of production and also have the opportuunity to create imagery for studio and personal porfolio use. An intern who becomes a successful Producer, Director, or Still Photographer is our next loyal customer. Or valued team member.
Send your Intership request to: Internship@RedGumCreativeCampus.com
Don Dormeyer, President
Visual Support Inc. DBA Red Gum Studios
2983 E. Miraloma
Anaheim, CA 92806

Don Dormeyer

For studio rentals contact Don Dormeyer 714-342-3259 Email: Don@RedGumCreativeCampus.com
Red Gum Creative Campus 2983 East Miraloma Anaheim, CA 92806